Friday, December 09, 2005

Can I please just enjoy the movie?

I'm wondering if I'll be able to go to the Narnia flick and just enjoy it, given all the hype. I've been looking forward to seeing the film for a long time, but I'm about tired of it, and it's just coming out today.

Back in November, Hollywood Jesus ran an excellent piece bythe site's senior editor Greg Wright that addressed the marketing of the movie.

It concludes with the words below.

It would also be a shame if non-Christian audiences are so put off by Christian leaders' rather silly band-wagon-hopping enthusiasm for a film they've never actually seen that they skip the film entirely and miss out on what could be the most purely enjoyable moviegoing experience of the season. Here's a personal recommendation: If you're not interested in being preached at, just tell your adult Christian friends that, no, you really don't want to attend a Narnia-themed dinner at the church, and sneak down to your local multiplex when no evangelists are looking to check out the film for yourself. You'd probably cut Saw II that much slack, anyway.

It would be equally sad, of course, if utilitarian-minded Christians missed the fact that films are good for something other than evangelism. And if you don't understand that statement, I really don't know what to say.

Can we all just forget the hype when we finally go to see the movie? I hope so. The worst thing of all would be if Disney ruined the movie's chances by making us all sick of the film before we see it, or by distracting us with a useless and tiresome sideshow. I guess it's up to us to make sure that doesn't happen.

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