Friday, June 10, 2005

Change of focus

I recently have been reading the Rule of St. Benedict online as well as an accompanying commentary. This week, the readings have focused on humility, especially with our speech.

The readings have me re-thinking this blog and asking myself questions.

Have I written with humility? Sometimes yes, and other times no.

Is the blog saying anything that can't easily be found elsewhere by people seeking to discuss many of the subjects I have written about in this blog or an earlier version? Pretty much not.

Does it contribute in a positive way to life? On occassion but too often, I can find the same things written in more depth by people who devote more time to blogging.

So I have decided:

To continue with the blog, but focusing more on promoting life and sharing information I find that is helpful in this pursuit. That may be a book or movie review, quotes I've found, a comment on culture, or even just to point to something seemingly insignificant but which just might bless someone. I'm not sure exactly how that will look, but I'm learning to trust God to lead.

Grace and peace

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