Tuesday, March 14, 2006

How stupid are voters?

A Republican candidate is second in his party's gubernatorial primary despite running fake headlines under the mastheads of real newspapers in his commercials, a poll shows.

According to factcheck.org -

Jim Oberweis launched the ads against the frontrunner in the state's GOP gubernatorial primary, Judy Baar Topinka. He accuses her of being part of a "culture of political corruption." Besides Oberweis's fakery, he misleads by resurrecting decade-old allegations that came to nothing.

I love Illinois politics - even laying aside those in Chicago. A jury is deliberating on corruption charges against the former governor. The current governor is suspected of being under investigation, but the prosecutor isn't saying definitively.

And some wonder why people don't turn out to vote.

What is blasphemy?

The excellent Chicago Sun-Times writer asks the question in her recent column. Here is an excerpt;

in an age of pluralism, multiculturalism, and (some say) secularism, what constitutes blasphemy?
Is it an image of the Buddha adorning a flip-flop?
A Hindu deity on the front of a skimpy tank top?
Madonna and Guy Ritchie praying at the tomb of the Matriarch Rachel in Israel?
Jesus as a namby-pamby cable-access talk-show host on "South Park"? Or political paraphernalia that says it's our "God-given right" to bear arms?

Is nothing sacred anymore?